Customer Testimonials

My husband and I have used Blinds Near Me for all our window treatments over the past 12 years. We have purchased or remodeled 4 different homes and would never consider any other company. Our installer not only knew the blinds business inside and out. He was prompt. friendly, professional, and absolutely a pleasure to work with no matter how big or small the job may be. Blinds Near Me takes extreme pride in their work and stand behind every window treatment! That is not something you will find with a “box” store or “discount” company.

Customer Quote

Sarasota, FL

Patrick is personable and knowledgeable with everything blinds. He answered my calls right away, measured, and delivered. I just love the shutters in my living room, and the room-darkening blinds in the bedroom really do the job. Highly recommended.

Customer Quote

St pete, FL